Personal profile
Research interests
In the area of Time Series Analysis Alan has supervised several research projects on generalisations of the autoregressive family of models and the effects of uncertainty about parameters on the efficiency of forecasting. He is also interested in the use of technology in the teaching of Statistics, particularly the use of spreadsheets and simulations.
Brought up in the foothills of the Black Mountains, Alan Jones was educated at the Amman Valley Grammar School and then the University College of Wales Aberystwyth. He graduated with First Class Honours in Pure Mathematics and proceded to a Research Assistantship in the then Department of Statistics. He was appointed to a lectureship in Statistics in 1972. He has been seconded to Lectureships at the University of Malawi on threeseparate occasions, where he taught Statistical Methodology to Agriculture students. He has taught a variety of courses in Statistics and Operational Research to specialists and non-specialists at Aberystwyth for over 30 years. He was appointed Senior Tutor in Mathematics in 1997. He has served as Chief Examiner for the various examining boards, including the WJEC, JMB, NEAB and the Oxford&Cambridge Board. He served for a number of years on the Education Committee of the Royal Statistical Society and been involved in many activities of that Society's Centre for Statistical Education. He is currently the regional evaluator for Wales for the Mathematics Learning&Teaching Support Network.
His outside interests centre around rugby football and its provision. He has been Honorary Secretary of Aberystwyth RFC for nine years, having previously served as Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer. At weekends he is to be found supporting the light and dark blues wherever they are playing!
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