Reducing reliance on imported protein feed within a ruminant supply chain

Impact: Economy, commerce and organisations, Environment and sustainability - natural world and built environment, Production and food security, Professional practice, training and standards, Public understanding, information and debate

Impact summary

Livestock provide one third of the protein consumed by humans. Alternatives to imported soya, a key protein component of ruminant diets, are needed to provide food security. Participatory and scientific research led by Dr Christina Marley in IBERS enabled Waitrose and their producers to understand and overcome barriers to adopting home-grown protein forages as protein feed for ruminant livestock. The resulting removal of imported soya from beef, dairy and lamb production systems by a major UK food retailer has impacted on production and commerce, provided environmental benefits for the sector, and contributed to a 16.9% decrease in UK soya imports.


Farmers, producers, retailers, environment.
Impact statusComplete
Impact date01 Jan 201231 Jul 2020
Category of impactEconomy, commerce and organisations, Environment and sustainability - natural world and built environment, Production and food security, Professional practice, training and standards, Public understanding, information and debate
Impact levelBenefit


  • sustainable
  • forage
  • supply chain
  • farmers
  • soya
  • feed
  • production
  • food
  • security