Taylor & Francis (Publisher)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity


Editor of Routledge Book Series 'Interventions' with Nick Vaughan-Williams. Volumes published in 2009: Universality, Ethics and International Relations: A Grammatical Reading, By Véronique Pin-Fat; Ethics As Foreign Policy: Britain, The EU and the Other, By Dan Bulley; Critical Theorists and International Relations, Edited by Jenny Edkins, Nick Vaughan-Williams; Ten further volumes commissioned to be published in 2010: Postcolonial Theory & International Relations: A Comprehensive Introduction, Edited by Sanjay Seth, To be published November 30th 2010; War and Rape: Justice, Memory and the Law, By Nicola Henry, To be published October 1st 2010; Madness in International Relations: Therapeutic Interventions and the Global Governance of Disorder(s), By Alison Howell, To be published August 30th 2010; Beyond Biopolitics: Theory & Violence in World Politics, By Francois Debrix, Alexander Barder, To be published August 30th 2010; Biopolitics, Security & Risk: Insuring Security, By Luis Lobo-Guerrero, To be published August 1st 2010; Foucault and International Relations: New Critical Engagements, Edited by Nicholas Kiersey, Doug Stokes, To be published July 1st 2010; Non-Western Thought & International Relations, Edited by Robbie Shilliam, To be published June 1st 2010; Deconstructing International Politics, By Michael Dillon, To be published June 1st 2010; Governing Sustainable Development: Partnerships, Protests and Power at the World Summit, By Carl Death, To be published June 1st 2010; The Time of the City: Politics, philosophy and genre, By Michael Shapiro, To be published May 7th 2010
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