Piotr Woycicki

Dr, PhD (Prifysgol Lancaster), MA (Prifysgol Lancaster), BA (Prifysgol Lancaster), PGCTHE, FHEA

  • Aberystwyth University
    Parry-Williams Building

    Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon

1983 …2024

Allbwn ymchwil fesul blwyddyn

Proffil personol


Roedd Piotr penodwyd i Ddarlithydd mewn Theatr a Pherfformio yn 2013. Cyn ymuno â Phrifysgol Aberystwyth mae wedi darlithio ym Mhrifysgol Exeter a Phrifysgol Caerhirfryn.

Piotr wedi cwblhau ei Ph.D. yn yr Adran Astudiaethau Theatr ym Mhrifysgol Caerhirfryn (2010), lle y bu hefyd yn cwblhau ei MA (Res) a BA (Hons).

Mae ei ymchwil yn ymchwilio gwleidyddiaeth canfyddiad yn y theatr ôl-sinematig, is-grp o theatr rhyng-gyfrwng sy'n ymateb yn feirniadol i ddiwylliant sinematig.

Ei brif feysydd o bryder ymchwil y croesffyrdd rhwng theori wleidyddol ac esthetig, yn enwedig y gwaith o Lyotard, Deleuze, a Ranci?re ac arferion perfformiad rhyng-cyfryngau cyfoes.

Mae ei ddiddordebau eraill yn ymestyn i estheteg nerfol dulliau dadansoddi perfformiad a'r berthynas hanesyddol rhwng patrwm sifftiau mewn dis cwrs gwyddonol a dadleid y pwnc dynol hanfodol mewn ymarfer theatr.

Mae'n aelod gweithgar o'r Grp Gweithio Rhyng-gyfrwng o fewn y Ffederasiwn Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Theatr Ymchwil (IFTR).

Mae hefyd wedi cydweithredu fel cyfansoddwr a dyfeisiwr gyda'r cwmni rhyng-gyfrwng yn y DU Imitating the Dog, a chyfarwyddwr Pete Brooks ar nifer o brosiectau rhyngwladol, megis Tales from the Bar of Lost Souls, Rey Lear a 6 Degrees Below the Horizon (www.imitatingthedog.co.uk).

Diddordebau ymchwil


Our Lady of Shadows (ongoing)

A practice-as-research collaboration between Lucy Gough, Eddie Ladd and Piotr Woycicki which explores the aesthetics ofneo-medievalism through an intermedial dramaturgy. The project is an intermedial theatrical version of Lucy Gough's radio play Our Lady of Shadows. The work combines dramatic text, physical performance, digital scenography, painting, animation and music in an intermedial exploration of the tenuous relationship between reality and imagination. (role: Music composition and digital scenography design).

Our Lady of Shadows Augmented Reality Installation (2018)

TaPra Gallery 2018, Aberystwyth University.  

Land of My Fathers (2018)

Digital scenography design and music composition for a production of David Rabey's play Land of My Fathers. dir. David Rabey. May 2018 Castle Theatre, Aberystwyth in collaboration with Aberystwyth Arts Centre.

The Scheherazade Delusion (2017)

Concert rhapsody for violin and orchestra. Piano recital performed on November 2017, Casa da Musica, Oporto. (http://www.casadamusica.com/en/agenda/2017/11/28-novembro-2017-zofia-woycicka-e-olga-vasilieva/46401/#tab=0)

Thoughts that can be Danced (2014)

An intermedial tango performance devised by Karoline Gritzner, Biljana Lipic, Stephen Ellis and Piotr Woycicki. The Foundry Studio, Aberystwyth University.

Rey Lear (2011)

Rey Lear is a contemporary intermedial adaptation of Shakespeare's classic, weaving the narrative of the destruction of the family within a broader landscape of political & social unrest, closely referencing recent Chilean history. With two simultaneous stories intertwined, Pete Brook's Rey Lear stages Shakespeare's vision of a society undergoing a process of self-destruction. This version puts Lear in a nursing home, haunted by his memories, where fear & madness lurk behind the facade of everyday life. The play's intermedial aesthetic, addresses the classic with a mixture of languages, film & theatre, where the complex scenography gives unique insight into the nightmarish delirium of the protagonist. The piece premiered on March 2011, at the Teatro de la Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile.

Tales from the Bar of Lost Souls (2010)

At the end of his life a dying man turns to a young woman & tries to put right a wrong committed many years ago. As he recounts the story of his past he is taken back to The Bar of Lost Souls, a place where, it is said, your deepest desires become real.

The show takes as its starting point the melting pot of Mediterranean port communities, where notions of national borders & identity are challenged by the ever-changing mix of ethnicities & nationalities, the activity of commerce, the blurring of the lines between legal & criminal behaviour & by the suspension of the norms that attempt to govern sexual & political orthodoxy.

Part musical, part dream play, Tales from the Bar of Lost Souls is a magical realist story of forbidden love, criminality & the possibility of finding redemption in the unlikeliest of places.

Premiered at the National Theatre of Athens (2009), Greece. UK premier: Exeter (2010). Performed in: Leeds, Lancaster, Manchester & Ipswich. Funded by the Arts Council & The National Theatre of Greece. Performances are ongoing.

Arbenigedd sy’n gysylltiedig â NDC y CU

Yn 2015, cytunodd gwladwriaethau sy’n aelodau'r Cenhedloedd Unedig ar 17 o Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy (NDC) byd-eang i ddod â thlodi i ben, diogelu’r blaned a sicrhau ffyniant i bawb. Mae gwaith y person hwn yn cyfrannu at y NDC canlynol:

  • NDC 16 - Heddwch, Cyfiawnder a Sefydliadau Cadarn

Ôl bys

Ewch i ganol y pynciau ymchwil lle mae Piotr Woycicki ar waith. Mae’r labelau pwnc hyn yn dod o waith y person hwn. Gyda’i gilydd maen nhw’n ffurfio ôl bys unigryw.
  • 1 Proffiliau Tebyg

Cydweithrediadau a’r prif feysydd ymchwil yn ystod y pum mlynedd ddiwethaf

Cydweithrediad allanol yn ddiweddar ar lefel gwlad/tiriogaeth. Plymiwch i mewn i'r manylion drwy glicio ar y dotiau neu